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How to Restore a Steamer Trunk
By Scott Bennett, Co-owner, Wooden It Be Nice Inc. Vintage steamer trunks make great restoration projects because there are a lot of them available and they make great storage and decor items for your home. This can be a confusing restoration project, so I walk you through how I restored this vintage steamer trunk. If you prefer to watch how this is done, click on the following Fixing Furniture video. A list of supplies and tools are provided below. Be aware, there are some steamer trunks that are very valuable. The approach I'm using on this steamer trunk would ruin...
How to Repair a Tambour Door Properly: Material, Glue, and Techniques
Whether it's for a roll top desk, a Hoosier cabinet, or an appliance garage, tambour doors can wear out over time. Sometimes it's due to the material backing breaking down or an excessive amount of friction in the tambour channel. I will show you how to choose the right material, the right glue, and the right techniques to repair the tambour door so it will last for decades to come. In this YouTube video, I show each step of the process, from taking the tambour apart to reinstalling it into the Hoosier cabinet. If you're a visual learner, this will...
How to Restore Tea Cart Wheels with New Rubber Tires
Restoring tea cart wheels and rubber tires might seem like a challenging project, but I show you step-by-step how to do it. Furniture restoration requires specific knowledge and that's why I share videos on YouTube - to give you the knowledge to be successful in your projects. The first step to resorting the old tea cart wheels is to disassemble the tea cart. This tea cart needs to be reglued, but this step also makes it easier to work on the individual parts. Once everything is apart, I start working on the wooden wheel. The old rubber needs to be...
How to Install Door Trim (Finish Carpentry)
Installing door trim might seem intimidating at first, but once you understand how it goes together, along with a few tips, you'll have the knowledge to tackle your project. I'll explain how to install trim on the closet doors of our current bedroom remodelling project (see this project series in our Bedroom Remodel YouTube Playlist). This trim adds a lot of character to the space as it's made from 5 different pieces of moulding. The first step to installing door trim is to cut the trim down to manageable pieces. For a quick tip, you can use a phone to take photos...
What Wood Glue to Use?
Wood glue can be confusing to understand because there are so many options out there. I'll break it down for you, so you know which bottle to grab for your next project. For woodworking, these are the wood glue options you have: PVA Glue (aka Yellow Glue or Carpenter's Glue) Hide Glue Fish Glue Epoxy Polyurethane Glue CA Glue Contact Cement PVA Glue For the majority of woodworking projects, PVA glue is the glue you want to use. This works by soaking into the wood fibres and bonding them together in a way that is normally stronger than the wood...